Three Days to Live is a new Joke Productions true crime series made for Oxygen. Additionally, it is a banner series in Oxygen’s new Crime Time rebrand. The show tells harrowing stories of law enforcement working to save abducted women. Those who don’t return home within three days almost never do.
An Emotional Series to Make
At Joke Productions, we are very honored to produce this show. Law enforcement, families, and victims trusted us to tell their stories. That’s humbling.
Getting to know these people first hand touched our entire team. Their tales were incredible and sometimes heartbreaking. We all felt it was crucial to share their stories with the respect and reverence they deserved.
Our entire crew aimed to make a show that is honest, visceral, and reflective of those experiences.
We’d like to offer our sincerest thanks to every family member, victim and law enforcement official who opened up. The show moves us deeply, and we’re proud you chose us to tell your stories.
To Our Team
You are one of the greatest teams in the industry. Thank you so much for your commitment and your hard work. Your empathy for these stories make this a series we can all be proud of.
The Show
Three Days to Live launches viewers into the moments following an abduction. Those crucial hours are a cruel ticking clock. To find a victim alive, law enforcement almost always has three days or less. After that, the odds of saving an abducted woman drop sharply.
Visceral reenactments give life to shocking stories. Stunning first-hand interviews from law enforcement and family members will leave you speechless.
Lauded news correspondent SuChin Pak narrates with her signature journalistic integrity.
Three Days to Live premieres Sunday, March 5, at 9pm / 8pm central on Oxygen.
Three Days to Live Sneak Peek
Here’s the two minute trailer for the new series. Please give it a moment to stream from Oxygen: